5 Key Tips to Help You Get Book Reviews

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A few years ago, I was a top-notch consultant for a direct marketing company. I was earning every incentive they offered, including all-inclusive, all-expenses-paid vacations for my husband and me. So how did my consultant work help me in book marketing and getting reviews? Glad you asked! Read on, and I’ll share with you my top four tips for getting reviews that I learned from being a consultant.

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Three Keys to New Author Success

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When I retired in 2013, having practiced medicine for nearly forty years, I wasn’t ready to entirely leave medicine. So I searched for a new way to help people improve their health. The result was a self-help program called Serenity and Health that I introduced at my church in 2014. Three years later, I launched my website and blog of the same name. This year I published my first book, Pilgrimage: A Doctor’s Healing Journey, about these experiences and my life. In all of this, my message is that there are small steps we can take to help us find our path to better physical and emotional health and closeness to God. There are three keys to new author success that enabled me to translate this message into a self-help program, a blog and, finally, a book. These are passion, people, and technological enhancements.

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How to Create an Audiobook: What Authors Need to Know

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Two Words Publishing often find authors and publishers to have one of two positions on audiobooks: either they don’t know why it’s necessary or even desirable to have their book(s) in audio form, or they want to make every book in their catalog into an audiobook, no matter the length, genre, format, or cost. In this blog post, we would like to help authors in the first camp consider learning how to create an audiobook, and add it to their portfolio of Christian book titles, and those in the second camp to determine what type of book is a good fit for the audiobook format and when they can reasonably hope to be successful in it.

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BookBub for Authors: Complete Guide & BookBub Review

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One of the most effective advertising strategies for authors is to target buyers who have already self-identified as avid readers and signed up for newsletters that promote books directly to them—in their preferred genre! How can it get any better than that? That’s exactly what services like BookBub, BargainBooksy, BookGorilla, BookCave, Faithful Christian Reads, Kindle Nation, and many more do. (Click here for an extensive listing of such services, including descriptions and ratings of potential effectiveness. There are 127 in total at Kindlepreneur.com.)

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How Authors Can Get the Most Out of Trade Shows

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As an independent author, if you want to increase book sales, you need to let more people know your book exists. You can market your book through different media outlets such as blogs, magazines, podcasts, radio shows, and television. But how do you find these media outlets? Trade shows provide the perfect opportunity. Last year, I attended the Christian Product Expo and National Religious Broadcasting shows.

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