Christian Indie Publishing Association Networking
As indie authors and small publishers, we can learn from each other. Knowing what is currently working for others helps you know what to do to sell more books. We have ample opportunity to share with one another through CIPA’s closed Facebook group, mastermind groups, and take-action workshops. Networking in this manner can lead to other opportunities. You must be a member of CIPA to participate in these networking groups.

CIPA Facebook Group
The writing world is a solitary profession, but it doesn’t have to be. We can band together to support one another. In the CIPA Facebook group, please share when you have a new publication, promotion, or idea. Post questions and let industry experts answer them. Share what has worked and what has not worked in your publishing world. We are the Lord’s hands and feet ministering to the world. Let’s minister and rejoice together as brothers and sisters in Christ.
In the CIPA Facebook group, indie authors and small publishers share their common interests and business focus. Any CIPA member can post in the group. Only CIPA members or previous members can view the contents of the posts within the group.

Benefits of a Facebook Group
There are numerous benefits to joining the CIPA Facebook group including:
- Gain support from your peers
- Virtually get to know other indie authors and small publishers
- Get quick answers to questions
- Learn from one another
- Gain spiritual inspiration
- Support one another
- Gain ideas and strategies
- Receive important CIPA updates such as Take-Action Workshops or new benefits
- Get honest feedback (about a cover, title, etc.)