Three Keys to New Author Success

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When I retired in 2013, having practiced medicine for nearly forty years, I wasn’t ready to entirely leave medicine. So I searched for a new way to help people improve their health. The result was a self-help program called Serenity and Health that I introduced at my church in 2014. Three years later, I launched my website and blog of the same name. This year I published my first book, Pilgrimage: A Doctor’s Healing Journey, about these experiences and my life. In all of this, my message is that there are small steps we can take to help us find our path to better physical and emotional health and closeness to God. There are three keys to new author success that enabled me to translate this message into a self-help program, a blog and, finally, a book. These are passion, people, and technological enhancements.

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How to Market & Sell Your Book as an Author

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Selling books is nothing like the Field of Dreams. The phrase “If you write it, they will read it” is false. If you plan on wooing publishers or self-publishing, building a group of avid followers is essential for gaining a broad audience that will read the book(s) you have written. The online “must haves” for a serious writer include a professional website, social media presence, and a search engine marketing plan.

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