How Do Librarians Choose Books?

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Is there anything more exciting than the New Bookshelf in the library? For thirty years, I was the lucky librarian who selected thousands of books for various public libraries to purchase. Then when the new books arrived, I chose the ones to display and highlight. One day I saw my book The Very Best Story Ever Told: The Gospel with American Sign Language featured! I rejoiced because this was an opportunity to reach people who did not go to church with the love of God. Here’s how librarians choose books!

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5 Key Tips to Help You Get Book Reviews

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A few years ago, I was a top-notch consultant for a direct marketing company. I was earning every incentive they offered, including all-inclusive, all-expenses-paid vacations for my husband and me. So how did my consultant work help me in book marketing and getting reviews? Glad you asked! Read on, and I’ll share with you my top four tips for getting reviews that I learned from being a consultant.

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Book Marketing Ideas to Help Authors Increase Sales

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I’m a problem solver. I like minor problems with simple solutions. On the other hand, I love to study. I have three master’s degrees, and I’m always reading something. Maybe you’re like that, too. If you can get your love of studying and your problem-solving mentality to meet for coffee every week, you’ll come to enjoy this whole marketing venture you’ve taken on as an author. At least, that’s my experience. I call it the Ph.D. approach to book marketing because it’s an approach to problem-solving that drags on like a never-ending Ph.D. But the benefit is that, as long as you’re still studying, you’re still learning and growing. You’re getting more and more familiar with the art of marketing. And that’s going to be far more helpful than a short-sighted approach.

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How to Market & Sell Your Book as an Author

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Selling books is nothing like the Field of Dreams. The phrase “If you write it, they will read it” is false. If you plan on wooing publishers or self-publishing, building a group of avid followers is essential for gaining a broad audience that will read the book(s) you have written. The online “must haves” for a serious writer include a professional website, social media presence, and a search engine marketing plan.

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