What You Should Know About Correctly Placed Commas

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For the Christian author wanting to self-publish a book or books, quality (besides good content) should be a priority. Correctly placed commas are an important aspect of excellent writing. Even if you plan to hire a book editor, which is one of two simple steps to improving your manuscript, you should do your own self-editing as part of the writing process.

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How to be a Great Interviewee

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As the popularity of blogging, vlogging, and podcasting continue to rise, more authors are implementing different broadcasting methods. These platforms are powerful places to boost your author marketing and great ways to engage a lot of readers in a brief space of time. Because of this, it’s essential to learn how to be a great interviewee.

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How To Determine the Best Printing Method

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You’ve written and edited your book, prepped your files, and now you’re ready to send it to print! Even after you’ve checked off all those boxes, you may have another significant decision between digital and offset printing. So, what’s the best printing method? Whether you’re publishing a full-color hardcover children’s book or black and white softcover, it’s essential to know your print production options and how they could affect your budget, timeline, and, most of all, the successful sale of your books.

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How to Write the Best Headline Possible

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What is the most important part of your article or blog? The headline. So, learning how to write the best headline possible is essential. In fact, experienced copywriters will tell you that if you don’t get the headline right, the rest of your writing won’t really matter. Your headline is your first impression and determines if your reader will go any farther. By implementing a few proven steps, you can start writing the best headline possible.

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