How to Take Advantage of Peak Book Buying During Holidays
We want to help you take advantage of peak book buying during holidays. Christmas book-buying has already started! So NOW is the time to get in front of your audience and potential readers. Here are just a few easy ideas that you can use to share something fun and Christmas-inspired with your audience of readers. Have fun while creating free and shareable guides, lists, and projects with your list of followers.
Every time I think about the book spike that happens from November through January; I get excited! It’s tailor-made for authors and the publishing community. It’s no secret that book lovers take advantage of the holiday season to enjoy family, the Christmas break, and reading! Winter months call for curling up in your favorite reading place with a cup of hot chocolate, a warm blanket, and a new book.
Create a Gift Guide
Tap into your inner child when you would grab a marker and the latest holiday catalog and circle every toy that piques your interest. How fun were those days? I had so many items circled I was instructed to go back through a third and fourth time to apply a star beside items I “really” wanted. This can be a fun process for you as you compile items that you would want to receive or would love to gift to your friends and family.
You can even make your guide with creative categories that increase in price range. This is your permission to shop with an unlimited budget. Everyone loves the ten dollars or less items. I can tell because this section is always picked through by the time I make it to the store to do my Christmas shopping. What would make your elaborate category? Oh, I have some ideas. A car, a home theater space, add your favorite coffee stop inside your home, an island, or an expensive vacation. Don’t forget to suggest your book!
Here are 12 Christ-Centered Children’s Books to Gift This Christmas if you want to add any of these to your gift guide.
Holiday Themed Email
Mailboxes and inboxes are full of holiday wishes and special messages for another year that awaits us in January. Share what you are grateful for during this holiday season and what you are looking forward to in the new year. This is a great way to share a few personal moments with your audience if you choose. Looking back at the past year can be a great time to let your audience know how thankful you are for them.
Do you have anything planned for the new year? Tease a few things that your readers can look forward to in your email. You can even share a few of your holiday traditions. List your must-watch Christmas movies, favorite seasonal snacks, favorite Christmas songs, and share whether you open all your presents on Christmas Eve or Christmas morning. Think of this as your Christmas card or Christmas letter you might send to friends and family.
Holiday Reading List
The holiday season also brings a finish to the year. As many people are rushing through the season, there are those who are rushing to tie a bow on their to-do of the current year. That includes readers who adamantly keep track of their reading lists. It’s never too early to start the upcoming reading list. Do you ever finish a reading list if you continually add books to the list? Most readers I know have a continuing list that only gets longer.
You can create a holiday reading list that is seasonal to share with your audience. Maybe you want to create a reading list that would start most readers’ year off with great books to read. You could keep the reading list Christmas-themed if you so desired. Don’t be bashful. Your book has to make the list of course.
Create a Holiday Ad-Lib Story
Christmas parties with friends and family cover every weekend before the 25th. The creative ones of the group come prepared with the latest holiday quiz or game for everyone to try. You’re creative right? You can contribute to the holiday party fun with a holiday ad-lib story that people can contribute to in their own way. This would be a fun activity to do for family and friends. Make sure to include an option for someone’s name in the room to be added to the storyline. It makes it personal and often gets the most chuckles when the story is filled out and read aloud.
If you really wanted to get creative, you could create a holiday-themed story they could help write centering around their favorite characters from your book. What a great surprise for your readers to enjoy. If you don’t know where to begin, a quick search online will point you in the right direction.
Share your Book in a Holiday Setting
BookBub recently revealed that after almost a decade of monitoring Christmas book sales, the data is clear that one of the most effective ways to increase holiday book purchases is by posting holiday-themed images of your book. That’s pretty cool! What better way to present your book as the perfect stocking stuffer than to create a mockup of your book in a stocking? Show your book by a Christmas tree or next to a mug filled with cocoa.
Book marketing doesn’t have to be what you specialize in if you have a guaranteed way to market your book in an eye-catching way. And that is exactly what MockupShots helps you do! In less than 10 seconds, MockupShots puts your book into over 600 amazing settings, including awesome Christmas and holiday-themed images. MockupShots instantly creates hundreds of photos and promo images, videos, GIF images, testimonial graphics, and more using your cover image.
As you prepare your holiday promotions, posts, and ads let MockupShots do the heavy lifting by creating professional images of your book in the perfect holiday setting. Have fun with the holiday season and get the most out of peak book-buying time. Grab your copy of MockupShots at 60% off and start promoting your book in holiday style. Your discount access link.
About the Author
Glyndon Greer is a content creator on YouTube, social media and hosts several podcast. He is also the product manager for MockupShots.