How to be a Great Interviewee

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As the popularity of blogging, vlogging, and podcasting continue to rise, more authors are implementing different broadcasting methods. These platforms are powerful places to boost your author marketing and great ways to engage a lot of readers in a brief space of time. Because of this, it’s essential to learn how to be a great interviewee.

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5 Simple Steps to Start a Podcast Today

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A question that I often receive as the founder of Spark Media, a company that helps Christian podcasters launch, grow, and maintain their shows is this: “Misty, I want to start a podcast, but where do I begin?” When CIPA director Susan Neal asked me to contribute to the blog, I immediately knew the advice I would give to Christian authors, small publishers, and others who may have an interest in hosting a podcast. Podcasts can be an excellent venue for book marketing. While the following advice may seem relatively straightforward to some, it has helped numerous members of my community to start successful shows.

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