You Don’t Have to Publish a Book to Be a Writer

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Some people are in love with the idea of writing and visualize a life of leisure, sitting around typing out a few dozen book manuscripts and raking in the greenbacks (you can laugh now). Others have one story they feel the need to share, but they have no plans to pursue writing, and therefore, lack the drive to do what it takes to get published. However, many sincerely want to write but find writing a full-length book a daunting task. Or sadly, they finish their manuscript but are stonewalled by the thought of finding a publisher or self-publishing and then (gulp!) book marketing.

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The 13 Most Common Self-Publishing Mistakes to Avoid

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How many times have you picked up a book and immediately knew it was self-published? You may not be sure how you knew. It might have been the design. Maybe you spotted glaring errors. Or possibly there was just an unprofessional look to it. Don’t let that happen to your book. There is absolutely no reason indie authors and publishers shouldn’t produce books that look as sharp and professional as the books produced by major publishing houses. It just takes effort, attention to detail, and a commitment to avoid the errors self-publishers often make. Let’s look at the most common self-publishing mistakes and how to avoid them.

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