4 Ways to Market Your Book With YouTube
Book marketing can be overwhelming for authors, yet it’s a necessary part of the writer’s journey to publishing and beyond. But where do we start? How do we know what strategies work when getting our books in front of readers? How can Christian authors know the best tools for marketing their books?
YouTube has been a tool used by content creators for years. Most of us have visited YouTube to gain knowledge, be inspired, or have a good laugh. However, in recent years, authors have found that YouTube can be a valuable tool for marketing their books. If you’ve written a book, whether indie or traditionally published, consider these four ways you can use YouTube to market your book.
1. Share Videos in Newsletters
Video offers a fresh new way for Christian writers to connect with a community of potential readers. In our rushed and distracted world, people are looking for ways to be encouraged in short pockets of time between tasks or on the go. I, for one, am a fan of listening to or watching a video while doing the dishes!
As a new YouTube creator, I was surprised at how many of my faithful readers preferred videos over blog posts. Now, I provide both. I can take a written piece of content and repurpose it into video form, giving my community an option for how they interact with my message.
Your email subscribers may not have time to scroll through a lengthy newsletter on a busy day, but they may click a link you send. YouTube videos provide a sustainable way for you to reach readers and tell them about your book. Your community will appreciate you offering yet another avenue for them to hear from you and access your message.
2. Add Links in the Video Description
One incredible benefit of having your own YouTube channel as a Christian writer is how much you can include in the video description section. You can write a unique description for each video you create. Many YouTube users will visit the video description to find more information about books or resources on their topic of interest. This will increase traffic to your book’s sales page, a key step in marketing your book.
Before crafting your video description, be sure to research and follow YouTube’s user guidelines. YouTube even has its own channel just for YouTube creators. There are rules in place related to what links you can share and what to disclose, but the instructional videos make it easier than ever to get started. Video descriptions are the perfect place to direct potential new readers to book pages on your website.
3. Mention Free Resources
Within the video, mention a free resource related to your book which will direct viewers to a link that will point them back to your website.
Recording a video can be an effective way to share a snippet of your book’s message and invite potential readers to your website to learn more. One way to build interest is to add a quick mention of either your book or a freebie you have available on your website. Much like speaking to an audience at a speaking event, getting in front of viewers gives you, the author, a chance to let them know more about you and your books.
As a bonus, you can even use an editing tool like Canva to edit your video and add an image of your book cover or other resource. By mentioning our freebies and books in our videos, we don’t have to worry about sounding spammy. We can feel confident that we are providing value by showing viewers what we have to offer.
4. Create Personalized Playlists
The “playlist” feature for YouTube creators is something rarely used by authors, but can be a powerful tool for writers wanting to build relationships with readers. It gives us a way to connect with new followers over shared hobbies and interests. Also, you can create playlists around your book’s theme and share those curated playlists on social media or through email.
A playlist is simply a curated list of videos you’ve saved that can be accessed on your YouTube channel. The great thing about playlists is that you can put one together using your favorite videos, and you don’t have to record a video yourself! For example, if you’ve written a book for moms on a budget, you could create a playlist of videos from your favorite YouTubers with money-saving tips for moms. The possibilities are endless.
Although we may feel apprehensive about the idea of reaching our readers through video, starting a YouTube channel as a Christian author is worth considering. Is YouTube right for you? Could this be something you and your audience will enjoy? Prayerfully think about whether this may be a new way for you to market your books and bring your needed message to the world. YouTube may prove to be the missing piece you need to complete your overall book marketing strategy.
Kristine Brown is a ministry wife, mom, stepmom, and Mimi, who shares a message of “becoming more than ourselves through God’s Word” at her website, morethanyourself.com. Kristine is also a freelance writer and author, providing prayer guides, devotions, and Bible teachings for her community on her YouTube channel. She and her husband live in Texas.