Overcome the Five Obstacles to Selling Your Book
Expert salesman Zig Ziglar said, “Every sale has five basic obstacles: no need, no money, no hurry, no desire, no trust.”
These words sum up the obstacles in selling. Every sale has obstacles. You face these obstacles when marketing and promoting your book to entice people to buy it.
Let’s break these obstacles down and look at how to overcome each one so that you can sell more books.
1. No Need
The question you must answer with your marketing messages and sales pitches is, “Why should I buy this book?” In other words, your potential customer is asking, “What will your book do for me?”
You must answer this question for them. Show readers both the need they have and how your book meets that need. Many may not even be aware that they have the need your book addresses until you tell and show them.
2. No Money
Most Americans have disposable income. Often, they feel like they don’t have money to buy your book. One of the reasons people feel like they don’t have the money is because they don’t understand why they need your book. They also may feel like they don’t have the money because they don’t view reading your book as a priority.
One way to help readers overcome the “No Money” obstacle is to inform them of what they continue to lose or miss out on by not having the information you offer in your book. For example, if you have a book on “Steps to Peace” you might point out to potential readers how not having peace in their life costs them in worry, anxiety, fretting, loss of sleep, loss of appetite, and loss of enjoyment in life.
3. No Hurry
Most people are not in a hurry to part with their money. They may hear about your book and think, “I should read that,” but feel no pressure to read it or buy it now.
You can create a sense of urgency by offering time-limited specials or discounts on your book. In fact, offering discounts also helps remove the “No Money” obstacle as well as the “No Hurry” obstacle. With a time-limited special, a sense of urgency to act now is created.
4. No Desire
To desire is to strongly wish for or want. How do you stoke desire? You fuel desire by making something enticing. It may be enticing because everyone else has it, and the person does not want to miss out. It may be enticing because the consumer feels a strong need for it.
You can create desire for your book through social proof. The more others are talking about your book, the more people will desire not to be left out or miss out, and their desire to buy your book will increase.
5. No Trust
People do business with those they trust. You must develop trust with your audience in order for them to buy your book. Trust is developed through credentials and delivering on what you promise.
One way to help remove the “No Trust” obstacle is to highlight testimonials from influencers and readers on your book. Show your audience that others are saying your message can be trusted to deliver what you promise. Then, continue to grow your audience’s trust in you by showing up and giving them information that adds value to their lives.
About the Author:
Sarah Bolme is the co-founder and former Director of Christian Indie Publishing Association (CIPA). She is also the author of the award-winning book Your Guide to Marketing Christian Books.